Sergio Sedia lives in Cimitile, Nola, sadly area known as the Triangle of Death.
. He asked for himself and his wife political asylum to Switzerland, and later also to Svezia. Of its history have dealt with this issue all the major international newspapers, including Arabs. Many of the reports made (a fine article, videos of his participation in "barbarian invasions" on La7). In this article for is cost, traces the reasons that led to undertake this "battle". It makes bare his emotions and his fear: "deny the existence of the Holocaust Campano"
The Economy moves everything. Interest, lives, hopes and dreams have meaning only when the economy gives him one. We exist, we live, procreiamo, eat and muoriamo inside a border ...
Well established that is called Economics.
The Economy is governed by politics. Politicians give a value to all prezzano everything cartellinano scientifically everything, even our dreams and smiles of our children. Our lives now know, is a bar code. The Holocaust silent for years that kills innocent victims in our country does not exist. The chemical and nuclear waste buried everywhere are not evil. Our suffering is imagination.. We call it fear psychosis. Mozzarella dioxin is good.
The buffaloes contaminated by toxic waste do not exist.
The 100,000 sheep ammazzate and then burned because healthy carriers of lead, chromium, arsenic and dioxin are in the wind.
The land poisoned are a bluff.
The wells that are ribollono fantasies.
The aquifers are devastated inventions.
Doctors who repeated until the nausea that cases of cancer are terribly out-of madmen are unprepared for glory.
Those who try to escape from death requesting political asylum is a brilliant comic.
Children dead after devastating cycles of chemo they call "statistical data in the media.
Children born malformed and never call them spontaneous abortions.
Our parents, our friends and our loved ones destroyed by cancer grandparents are uneconomic goods and annoying that should be removed from the system.
It is dying of cancer. Foto Stefano Sivieri Photos Stefano Sivieri
The denial of scientific enormous tragedy which has hit some areas of Campania has a very specific motivation is a choice of Economic Policy.
Nine people on 9, at their own expense, have sent their blood to a Canadian laboratory to see if their doubts, doubts of millions of people, were well founded. The RIM of Canada has sentenced that these people are seriously contaminated. Il RIM credeva di inviare le risposte a persone ormai morte. The RIM believed to send responses to people now dead.
Many people who live in the Triangle of Death, and other contaminated areas are seriously contaminated while not knowing how.
The state does not want to tackle the problem, does not want to know that the problem exists and is unsolvable.
Ask a mass screening of millions of people is economically impossible and unlikely in terms of organization.
Screening or by the finding of a mass grave contamination emergerebbero 3 serious macro-economic problems:
1 - Decontamination of the population.
2- Elimination of contamination or remediation
3- Damages
It releases dioxin
All points are examined improponibili from an economic and organizational and would, if you wanted to face a critical financial National colossal proportions.
1- The presence of dioxin and heavy metals in the human body halves over 15 years on condition that does not introduce more contaminants.
- There is at present no technology that can achieve this result.
- L 'only alternative would be a mass exodus of healthy territories.
Halving contaminants mean, if you could expose people for the next 15 years to a massive dose of contaminants (half that can not be expelled)
2- Clearing a huge territory from illegal sites most of which remain hidden forever is impossible
- In the event that you want to start a reclamation, the only organization that can groped a speech, is the military;
-Unable to steal military and means for long periods for the activities for which normally are responsible;
-- It 'still not clean up aquifers, such as an item on the move;
- It 'not remove "spoon" millions of tons of contaminated soil;
- It 'impossible to dispose of contaminated soil.
Many protests unheeded
3 - The damages to persons, institutions and organizations that citerebbero the state would be a bloodbath economic biblical proportions.
The national economy might be reset for trying to fix something that can not be resolved.
The collasserebbe health system as well as the financial and military organization of the State.
This tragedy will unite the collapse of the bell, that being intimately linked to the national GDP would fall with international and global repercussions.
The Europe sanzionerebbe Italy for the monstrous deficit, the world not only a more comprerebbe foodstuff Campania in Italy would be forced to out Bank.
Denying the Holocaust, resize, irony and ridicule is the only possible strategy.
The state knows that doing so unfortunately there will be many people who will suffer in the years ahead but the social cost of 20-30000 deaths more than the average infinitivamente is lower than the irreversible economic disaster that the admission of the problem would entail.
This analysis is the same that the state has done and that led to the painful conclusion that the dossier Holocaust does not exist.
And I am just an unknown person who denounced a frightening thing that indifference and the time will forget.
Sergio Sedia
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