Learn how to make light on vicenda.Che this is not like the capture of "ghost", the head of the Mafia, Bernardo Provenzano?
They wanted to "give a lesson" to Clementina Forleo.
And with this "sole purpose", two PM and a lieutenant of the policemen, "agreed" to denounce the planning, timing and modalities of the complaint.
On this hypothesis is investigating the crime pm Power, Cristina Correale, who entered in the register of two suspects pm, and AS AN, and Lieutenant carabinieri PF
The story goes back in August, 2007 es'incardina investigations on threats received by the parents of gip Milan, Clementina Forleo, shortly before their death, which occurred on August 25, 2005 for road accident. The Forleo denounced the threats and that investigations were initiated, however ....
have suffered delays and omissions. Omissions - relating to the failure to acquire some printouts phone - that Forleo had complained to the Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Brindisi.
And not alone.
The gip of Milan this summer, said the allegations before the Csm.
Soon was querelata by a carabinieri.
Argued that the Forleo, on the phone, he said: "You should be ashamed to wear the uniform.
And it is precisely on this complaint, that the Power pm, Cristina Correale, pointing his finger: pm and the two of the policemen - writes pm - "for the sole purpose of" give a lesson "to Dr. Forleo" agreed " among them the text of a complaint "," exposing a different version of events from what would have happened in the telephone conversation.
According to the indictment, the two pm, "prompted Lieutenant F. Stick to the lawsuit "and" agreed that the complaint should have been presented during the period workday, or during the period in which it was the duty pm Number, "to ensure that the claims (N., editor's note) were designated holder of proceedings.
But the accusations go even further.
«Se F. It confirmed what he had said Forleo on the acquisition of printouts: "If F. – scrive la pm Cristina Correale – indebitamente omettevano di curare l’effettiva acquisizione dei tabulati telefonici». -- Cristina writes the Correale pm - wrongly omettevano cure the actual acquisition of telephone printouts.
Finally, in the request for storage, S. pm, "he said" falsely "both have acquired and examined" some telephone printouts, is that "would not be useful emerged calls investigations.
In relation to each other, gip of Milan, said on television during transmission Annozero: "I was the victim of attempts to discredit and delegitimization party institutions, which do not belong to my office, as well as members of the security forces' order.
Antonio Massari
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