The US State Department has said it has advised former US president Jimmy Carter against meeting the leader of Palestinians Islamic group Hamas in Syria next week.
Carter plans to visit the occupied territories, the West Bank, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan during a nine-day trip due to start on Sunday but gave no details of specific meetings.
The Carter Center said in a statement: "This is a study mission and our purpose is not to negotiate but to support and provide momentum for current efforts to secure peace in the Middle East."
"Our delegation has considerable experience in the region, and we go there with an open mind and heart to listen and learn from all parties," it said.
Carter discussed with the State Department's point person on Israeli-Palestinian issues, David Welch, his plans to meet Hamas political leader Khaled Meshaal in Damascus, but the department said it went against US policy.
State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said that we counseled against it.
Washington sees Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas as its partner in US-sponsored talks with the Israelis.
Hamas official Ayman Taha told Reuters in Gaza of Carter's meeting: "There is an agreement to hold the meeting and arrangements are under way."
Taha said the meeting was to be held following a request from the Atlanta-based Carter Center, which aims to promote global peace, health, democracy and human rights.
Initially, Carter had hoped to go with a group of 'elder statesmen,' including former UN chief Kofi Annan and former South African president Nelson Mandela, but the others decided the timing was wrong.
"The elders will consider consultations with key leaders in the region and outside with the purpose of developing a comprehensive report, but have decided to postpone their visit," said a statement on Tuesday from the group of 12 former leaders on their website.
Carter has been harshly critical of the Bush administration's foreign policy, from the invasion of Iraq to its approach to Iran as well as the Israeli-Palestinian issue.
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