Whatever the winner of the next elections, the minister of justice will be a neophyte. Questo il messaggio dei due leader ribadita da M. This is the message the two leaders reaffirmed by M. Travaglio anche in questa intervista. Travaglio also in this interview. Siamo contentissimi, e auspichiamo che gli agnelli diventino i nuovi lupi. We contentissimi, and we hope that the new lambs become wolves.
Two possible scenarios. Berlusconi wins. It 'a replay of his last legislature? Altro scenario: Veltroni wins. Another scenario: Bush wins. What changes? In justice, information. Sul On conflict of interest, the law ad personam ..Nothing done as in the past? And some 'of fantapolitica. It is proposed the name of Marco Travaglio to Minister of Justice: What you do in your first 100 days? "While we do not and I would not ever accept… However, according to the game… the first thing to do is a single version of the two lines that say: with effect from today repealed the law on false in the budget, the Law Mastella the judiciary, Cirami, Gasparri, Frattini Law on conflict of interest… "In a long interview Travaglio introduces us to his latest book, written with Peter Gomez. Un godibile un vademecum per le imminenti elezioni. An enjoyable a handbook for the upcoming elections.
"If they know to avoid them." e nuovo tema. New book (Hrsg. Chiarelettere) and new theme. On the eve of the election call into question the parliamentary (not all ricandidati) who have distinguished themselves in good or bad for their legislative activities and their curriculum penalty. More than a book is a guide for voters? For voters, if you read first, for the next legislature if they read later. Why porcata with this law, with whom we vote, we have the "luck" to predict that MPs will be elected. What a great boost of enthusiasm to go to the polls ...! We feel very useful…
Then suggest to read before Votic to better orient…
If one gives him a look first and compare lists with certain names that we have put in the book could possibly escape from certain lists. If one does not want to vote on a pig in a poke… Since we can not punish some people who were put into the list at least punish lists…
What distinguishes "Good" and "Bad Guys" beyond judicial affairs?
Actually, we tried to be very good and find twenty Members who had well deserved.. We have made more effort to find good in the center right but someone's.. We have indicated (obviously among our "good" we are not affected, nor defendants). We tried to see who had fought for some issues that we are particularly dear. People young and clean as Giorgia Meloni Alleanza Nazionale, fewer young people but that did battles FOIA as Giuseppe Giulietti and Tana and Zulueta, on the legality as Nando Dalla Chiesa, as Horace Licandro, Elias Vacca, or Antonio Palomba, people that has fought against the privilege of parliamentarians as Silvana Mura, people who has fought against those condemned to Parliament; the same Carlo Vizzini of Forza Italy has made a battle against the Mafia and must be recognized.
And then you have studied some laws that you were the key hubs of the legislature.
And here we have analysed the behaviour of Deputies. Those who voted and how. For example Mastella on the law against the press that the public court documents, and have indicated the famous nine who have not voted, or sull'indulto… And then we went to make cards of the candidates. Date and place of birth, level of education, occupation, distinguishing marks, nickname. And then criminal record and absences in Parliament. And some truly memorable phrases…
The subtitle of the book is "Recommended, recycled, convicted, defendants voltagabbana, fannulloni… in the new Parliament. They seem to be the protagonists of modern Dante tournament. Which of these titles of merit "is most regrettable, most humiliating for our country?
Perhaps the most humiliating is the category of somari! We have sent in Parliament dozens of people who literally do not know when it was discovered America, when it was the unified Italy. What they do not know what or who Consob is Nelson MandelaThey are those who were beccati by "hyenas". So grateful to Sabrina Noble for doing this work we wanted to publish the responses of those sciagurati. If we rely on people who do not even know the basic concepts of general education then we must not surprising anything…
The relationship between justice and politics. And 'the judicial system does not work properly or the problem is not to apply in the political judgments? Think of the story of Europa7.
Justice has taken its course, but then we would like someone who takes note of judgments and gives them running… This is the parliament that for a year and a half has latitato first note that Previti could no longer make the senator. Meanwhile for a year and a half he has been given the salary.
Now we have the judgement of Europa7. This ruling says that we must give frequencies and compensation to Francesco Di Stefano but meanwhile we continue to beating can in the courtyard. . It responds see… await the Council of State, assign new frequencies, the digital terrestrial expect… While the European Court of Justice said that it is precisely the concept of "transitional phase" to be illegal and illegitimate. Again who made the battles pro legality also from the point of view of television frequencies we wanted to emphasize. And this is the only antidote to qualunquismo.
Two scenarios for comparison. The first: what happens in the relationship between politics and justice, political and information if the government wins Berlusconi…
If he wins already know, because we saw twice. Twice occupied Rai, and twice has favoured Mediaset filling the RAI leaders, unable to come (but very servile)… twice was keen osasse against anyone criticize (as if we had won freedom for applaud and not to criticize…). Twice he tried to send him away those aches. The first time there was successful because it lasted seven months. The second is yes because lasted five years. I think that the Berlusconi, if won, will be a "replay five years" since 2001-2006, but rather ' "incattivito". Perhaps we will not have, at least in the Senate, a majority to make it safe. So it will be much more nervous, much older and therefore will create a much more incarognito than the other time.
Even against television more "uncomfortable"…
Certamente, sebbene ora i programmi da chiudere sono rimasti ben pochi. Of course, although now the programs to be closed have remained little. Mentre prima aveva un gran lavoro da fare adesso c’è veramente poco da censurare… Una volta che hai chiuso Anno Zero, la Gabanelli e Chi l’ha Visto credo che di danni non li potrebbe più ricevere da nessuna parte… While the first had a lot of work to do now is really little to censor… Once you have closed Year Zero, and Gabanelli Who Citation believe that the damage could not stop receiving them nowhere…
Scenario alternative. Same question. What happens?
If Bush wins the scenario is more complicated, because we need to understand what man chooses, "but this one". When we actually see to understand if it is a fake good or if it is a fake inciucista. Or if it is a real good or real inciucista. We need a lot of determination to "deberlusconizzare" Italy.
The resolution of the conflict of interests was one of the horses battle of the previous election campaign. So much ado about nothing…
They said "we will do this and that" and then on this issue have not actually done anything, that these things do not have such, I hope that once the government side. Since the previous election campaign was marked by the promise of resolving the conflict of interest laws and the abolition of shame (and then not have anything abolished a) may also be that an election campaign without any reference to the conflict of interest prelude to a government that, once installed, it immediately solves. This at best.
In the worst?
The worst is that it gives a result of these "menate" phase constituent, tables to rewrite the rules together, namely to restore Berlusconi in the rooms of power even if is defeated at the ballot box. We have already given… We have already seen the Bicamerale… If it does, then not only delinquent, it would be profoundly stupid.
That is why I hope that around him there are "sentinels", a beautiful rompicoglioni patrol of Parliament who are fighting on the issues of their legality. People to Giulietti, Pancho Pardi, Zechariah, people who bites on important issues. Because there without those so-called reformists would be allowed only in cases where Veltroni win to make policies filoberlusconiane: and where Berlusconi wins not to antiberlusconiana opposition. In both cases it is better to send in Parliament more rompiballe possible…
Agganciamoci the second scenario (victory Veltroni) and do some ' "fantapolitica". Vince center left and proposes the name of Marco Travaglio to the Justice Ministry. You agree.What do you do in your first hundred days.
I recommend… We pretend ... Prime why not me proporrebbero and secondly because I do not ever accept. However, according to the game… the first thing to do is a single version of the two lines that say: with effect from today repealed the law on false in the budget, the former Cirielli, the Law Mastella the judiciary, the Law Cirami about moving processes, the Law on letters rogatory, the Gasparri Law on television, Frattini Law on conflict of interest. Secondly, the law of 1957 on dealers is more than ever in force and applies to the holder of businesses and not administrator.. That is ineligible Berlusconi is not Confalonieri. Third: Repeal the requirement of criminal offences after trial.
Processes in Italy have biblical times. Travaglio ministro come la risolverebbe? Travaglio Minister like solve?
Abrogad an appeal, which is a degree of judgement on the substance of the issues and then one of legitimacy, just as in other countries. If one uses Cassation and his appeal is unfounded fine salatissima to discourage those who want to spend time and money to justice and the community. Another thing: Marshall financial plan to fill the holes in organic courts and the civil and criminal prosecutors, and then of course the corollaries must rewrite the code of procedure to clear a number of loopholes that allow defendants guilty of "lengthen the broth "paralysed while the innocent are taken by mistake, under the yoke of justice. Personally abrogherei also share the secular Csm is a body of self and therefore must be formed entirely by judges and not by representatives of Parliament.
Probably before you do all these things you would have murdered…
Very probably! So it is clear that because we are joking with these reforms Justice would begin to function and judgments to arrive on time. Parliament spopolerebbe and so the management boards of the three-quarters of banks and private companies and Italian public. So it is clear that a reform that run justice, at least all together, we can not allow…
Dismetted clothes from "minister" and return to those Travaglio journalist visa from left to right as a component of the category unusual (but perhaps the most recurrent word is "rompic…") that makes too many questions, which c'ha l ' archive…
. I am amazed every time I hear him say.. As if it were strange ask questions, have the archive and say things as they are… fortunately I come often approached by foreign colleagues, dismayed by what is happening in Italy and I know that they intend against journalism as I wish, as you intend to Articolo21, as it intends Peter Gomez, Barbacetto, Gian Antonio Stella, Lirio Abbate… There are many. We are considered "out rule" while abroad, the rule is that!
Securing closely with the news. Controversy surrounding the confrontation on television between the two main contenders. Veltroni pursues him, not Berlusconi wants.
The face to face is not a right to veltroni: it is a right for voters. What a self-styled "great communicator" convinced "stracciare any opponent," continues to escape before his opponent, says a lot about the fragility of its possible reasons.
We ask that the case for you to arbitrate the duel. The first question that you would both, to break the ice? Fear of confrontation with the questions is not only Berlusconi. A Veltroni, if moderassi comparison, in fact ask: why are you never wanted to come to Annozero, preferring the comfortable living room of predkuhan Vespa? What to hide? There are questions that do not want to know or do not respond? A Berlusconi, in the years I have accumulated a hundred questions. The first that comes to mind to me is this: because, as he said the other day, he is "the most liberal editor of the history of paper, on the Gutenberg on, I would say that the return of Mondadori, since that a final judgement of Cassation ruled that he possesses thanks to a judgement bought by his lawyer Cesare Previti paying 400 million lire of origin Fininvest Vittorio put to the court, then hired as a lawyer in the study Previti? Questo domanderei a Berlusconi per prima cosa. This domanderei Berlusconi first. So, just to break the ice ...
Stefano Corradino
(free translation )
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