The words of General Fabio Mini, the former commander of the KFOR mission in Kosovo, in an issued in the drafting of Renewal Balkans.. A strong and pragmatic of media manipulation, political and military suffered by Balkan states, in the broader framework of taxation and terrible power of NATO and supranational structures of power. "The structures that manovrano states and their interests are not always invisible. Indeed, those who manipulate and trample belong mostly to structures that are invisible only to those who do not want to see," says General Mini.
The Western governments have pushed hard pressure to give the Albanians of Kosovo a state. Yet, the declaration of independence of Pristina specifies that remains in force the UN resolution 1244, that the de facto power continues to remain in the hands of the international mission. The same European mission is now in a state of impasse after the Security Council has confirmed the permanence of UNMIK in Kosovo territory. You can say then, in your opinion, which has been granted only a contentino the Albanians of Kosovo to reach other purposes instead?
Do not say that this is a contentino. I think that has been done a great gift to those who, Albanians and non-Albanians, they wanted to dismantle the existing legal world that is founded on the principle of state sovereignty and the unique expertise of the United Nations in the management of international security. The unilateral declaration would not have any practical significance if it were not followed by the recognition of states and this is happening on the part of those who from time to delegitimize the United Nations followed a wheel from other countries powerless in the face of pressure. The 1244 has been violated by those who proclaimed its independence but even more by whom gliel'ha writing. The fact that all say that the resolution remains in force only serves to mask the premeditation of the violation. The power is not in the hands of Unmik, which is now weaker than ever and not go into the hands of either or the Kosovars. It remains in the hands of the provocateurs and profiteers of any party who have illicit interests that only a state can guarantee illegal It remains in the hands of those who fregandosene of all Kosovars and their dignity want to use Kosovo as the grimaldello to force the framework of legitimacy on which is based the whole world political system today. Mini General, in his interview to the Corriera della Sera, she said that "the new state of Kosovo agreed only to clan", as "will be a free port for the money that comes from Eastern. According to her, therefore, you can say that there are structures invisible behind states which manipulate and trample Cards Constitutional order to reach their goals?
Among the profiteers of a framework of law are violated relevant political, economic and, not least, those criminals. We must do all the baby with the bathwater but Kosovo is one of the many examples of these overlapping interests. The structures that manovrano states and their interests are not always stealth. Indeed, those who manipulate and trample belong mostly to structures that are invisible only to those who do not want to see. Those who have eyes to see and a brain can judge for identifying structures and people with name and surname. Of know what they are doing and why. Si conoscono le sedi e le attività. We know the locations and activities. It is not necessary to think only all'occulto or the usual services or diverted to discover secret plots and illicit destabilizing, just consult documents and public data, current accounts, connections and especially have enough memory: the people involved are almost always the same or their clones.
Today we are witnessing a real "cold war" within the United Nations. According to her, the divisions and internal pressures are proof that you try to erase the UN, NATO to strengthen or create other supranational structures?
For almost twenty years is under way an attempt to establish a New International Order. The model of economic globalization should lead to a new institutional framework. At the end of the cold war it became clear immediately that the United Nations should be reformed to adapt security and international relations to new reports of forces. The model that seemed inevitable was that unipolar with the United States to guide and guard the world in a direct and indirect through bodies delegates called deputy sheriffs. The Australia has assumed this role in Asia, Israel in the Middle East and NATO in Europe. In particular, NATO has also received the task of preventing the emergence of a European security force and to drive the expansion west to the east taking advantage of Russian weakness. The United States has reserved the dominant role throughout the world and have become strategic priorities as the economic and military containment of China zakol all holders autocratic Islamic regimes of the huge oil resources.
In this project the Balkans had to be assimilated and this could be done essentially smembrando Yugoslavia. Where assimilation had not been possible, the Balkans had to be ribalcanizzati frazionandone territories, limiting their sovereignty, freedom and economic progress and leaving those who were opposed in limbo or in chaos. As may seem absurd to this project had no imperialist connotations, but responded to the genuine desire of the United States to impose, after the Cold War, a more manageable and govern. But when we talk about interests, we talk essentially of a political power and not just solidarity. A policy minimally guided by the government and almost totally enslaved to economic logic and industrial lobbies. The results were evident with the Balkans and Kosovo in particular. It was not done anything to prevent the exfoliation and to prevent the return of nationalism more inhuman. The same people who led the various Balkan wars are the same ones that have trained and fed the paramilitary gangs, which have given rise to the legal monsters who have unequal treaties imposed and which have fuelled chaos welcoming to the so-called independence on an ethnic basis.
If the project had "success" in the Balkans and in Eastern Europe, has been less fortunate in expansions in Russia, the Middle East and Asia. The Russia has recovered more quickly than we expected NATO, Islamic terrorism has transformed the wars in the Middle East and Central Asia into insurmountable obstacles and bottomless wells. The alleged ally of iron in Asia, Musharraf of Pakistan has proved vulnerable while China and India are not intended to carry a marginal role.
La lotta quindi non è “fredda” e non si limita ai corridoi ovattati dell’Onu. The struggle therefore is not "cool" and not limited to corridors padded in cotton wool Assembly. And 'open war which the United States, Britain and some voluntary or involuntary ally against the whole legal system that justifies the current balances. Kosovo is one of the many battles, like those ever sopite of Tibet, Xinjiang, the Caucasus, Iran, Korea, Taiwan and so forth.
The President Giorgio Napolitano said it is necessary to establish a "New World Order" to combat terrorism and resolve international disputes. What kind of structure refers believe the President?
I think that refers to a revitalization in a multilateral agency with several countries called to handle international security. It 'a project that makes sense only if countries designated to lead the global security representing different positions, if they are autonomous, if they have their opinions justified by collective interests and the search for peace and human development and if they have the courage to support them and defend them. Today only China and Russia seem to have some of these capabilities towards the dominance of the United States, but are already part of this forum that shows all its inefficiency and do not seem very committed to the search for peace and human development. I do not believe that the UN in bankruptcy can be the basis for strengthening multilateral and the general trend seen in the Balkans and the rest of the world is precisely its complete delegitimization. That is why I think that until you change the conditions of balance and not developing countries in the civil conscience of their autonomy, the idea of multilateralism and international solidarity is intended to be a practical basis without hope.
After the unilateral declaration of Independence of Kosovo, also believes that Italy could have the same problems against independentisti movements? But above all, believes that the issue of Kosovo puts into question the sovereignty of states?
The system of state sovereignty was not so much to its knees by the Declaration of Independence but by some states to recognize as legitimate. Today any country should take note and temerne the consequences. This is not only to safeguard the integrity of the States themselves, but to ensure a comprehensive framework and proper legislation. No State world today can no longer considered sovereign because the legal framework that guarantee was raped. So it is true that the Sati who secession movements such as Italy are the first to be in danger of real destabilizzazioni, but it is also true that no State world has more references to certain legitimacy. The law of the strongest or who shouts and threatens more is not sufficient to replace the altered framework.As strong and powerful, all states have vulnerabilities that could put them into the hands of blackmailers and exploiters. The United States themselves are now hostage to many pseudo allies and all opponents who force them to a continuous bleeding of people, media, resources, prestige and credibility.
According to Serbian dall'Ambasciatrice in Rome, Sanda Raskovic-Ivic, Italy within two years has radically changed its position towards Kosovo, thus denying its support to Serbia. Perché questo cambiamento? Why this change?
The Italy for the last ten years is one of the countries with limited sovereignty. He has never wanted to express its policy in the Born and quietly passed by support for collective interests to the interests of the strongest. Not wanted or been able to express strong support for either Europe or in fact when it comes to choosing between European unity el'acquiescenza against American interests has always opted for the latter. Support for Serbia, if ever there was, could no longer continue in the face of American pressure. It 'a sad reality that is made dramatic by the fact that the policy of acquiescence has not so far taken any advantage or brought to Italy or Europe. It has even led to the same benefits that the United States should use force and the arrogance they have done nothing but lose credibility and authority.
According to the latest data collected since it was established in Kosovo the international mission of the United Nations, the trafficking of drugs and arms, and the retaliation and racial discrimination against the Serbian people, are greatly increased. Similarly, I am also increased cases of corruption among the political classes. How do you explain these figures? But that particular model of democracy we seek to export?
The explanation lies in incorrect interpretation by the Born Unmik and security in Kosovo. For years it was considered that the security threats were from the Kosovo Serb armed forces. We spent 4 years to control the paths from possible infiltration of the army and Serbian meanwhile is allowed trafficking and internal corruption. When commander of KFOR, I tried to shift attention on the real threats have been heard from all my superiors also Americans, but regarded with suspicion by the political bureaucrats who thought Born want chime in their affairs. Unfortunately not command the NATO generals on the ground but the bureaucrats and generals from the corridor.
So I struggled a lot to convince NATO that the safety of Kosovo did not involve those tanks Serbs moved around Rudare, but by the growth of crime, corruption, by, ethnic discrimination, failure to relaunch the economy, from the lack of respect for minorities, the partiality of reconstruction and justice, the political bankruptcy of return of refugees and restoration of property rights, and absolute refusal, almost maniacal, to authorize the dialogue between Unmik, KFOR and Belgrade. I managed to do something to rebalance perceptions, but I have never done illusions on the ability to provide a true change.Actually, I was aware of myself constitute a real threat to the system of silence that tended to hide the many failures for not admit liability.
Sorry I did not play this role because I gave way to commit to all the people of Kosovo and for compliance with the rules. I am still convinced that the democratic system can not be exported or imposed by force, the adulation or blackmail. Each nation must build if it day by day by establishing a law that safeguards the civilization, humanity and interests of the community and not just those of the majority. Democracy understood only as the right to vote is useless if the candidates to be elected are imposed from the outside or if they still have their hands dirty with blood and the smoking gun. The same majority democracy is the weakest because most other approaches the dictatorship of the majority that always tends to stifle the rights of the weak.
Nei Balcani in questi ultimi vent’anni abbiamo invece assistito a proposte di democrazia zoppa e di prevalenza etnica. In the Balkans in the last two decades we have witnessed instead proposals crippled democracy and ethnic prevalence. Among the difficulties in proposing a collaborative model multiethnic and I found not only distrust of bureaucrats and overt hostility of those few hundred Kosovar Albanians who saw threatened by a system of law. I also found resistance on the part of many Serbs that any admission of liability or granting of rights to k-Albanian population seemed a defeat. Specifically, I noticed the hostile attitude of some representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo. And I often thought that they were out of concern for the Kosovars, but were fighting with the same weapons of nationalism and extremism that rinfacciavano their opponents. If the situation has deteriorated was also this attitude of closing the dialogue that has been a great benefit to those who wanted to inflict the fatal blow to Serbia, trying to subdue all the people supporting Kosovo in a delegitimization of the world . The Kosovars, and I refer to two million workers for good belonging to all ethnicities, not deserve to enter the history of states like outlaws.
As you know, after the bombing of 1999, Kosovo has been the scene of speculation still unclear.. One of them is yellow linked to the Trepca mine, which has been given in concession to Western societies and subsequently closed because it caused a major pollution.? What can you tell us of the strange controversy of the Trepca mine?
I can only talk about that which I was witness. The complex of Trepca was a gem production, but a bad example of respect for the environment and for people. The processing of zinc electrolytic that in Mitrovica had one of the most advanced facilities was over for the destruction of large tanks caused by a failure unlikely during the first period of observation KFOR. During the inspection that I have personally made after three years after I gained the impression that it had been a sabotage.. Somebody did not want the plants could help Kosovo to rebound. Albanesi o Serbi? Albanians or Serbs? I do not know, but not even exclude the responsibilities of some international trafficker. The deposits had mountains of concentrate of lead and zinc that were about to be sold for four money. The department of construction batteries was conducted by four workers sdentati that although younger than me twenty years, my grandparents seemed: such was the devastation physical contact with acids and lead.
The curator of the factory, a very efficient German, tried to convince Unmik keep the subsidy for six thousand workers six thousand Albanians and Serbs who were no longer working. Many of these fifty years had completely destroyed the physical and could not face any redirection of production. They had a right to early retirement and compensation for injuries suffered during the years of mining. Unmik Unmik refused even to continue to give a subsidy of a few euros. The Trepca remains for me an example of poor environmental management and occupational safety prebellica, a useless revenge during the war and a humanitarian and economic massacre after the war. For many others it is and will be a great bargain.
How do you explain the fact that Bernard Kouchner, President of Médécins Sans Frontières and director of the documentary on the "rape camps" in Bosnia, then revealed an obvious forgery, is now responsible for the UN Mission in Kosovo and then French Foreign Minister?
Evidentemente non tutti credono alle cosiddette prove inconfutabili. Obviously not all believe in the so-called evidence. Non tutti sono capaci di produrle e non tutti sono ascoltati alla stessa maniera quando le producono in sede internazionale. Not everyone is able to produce and not everyone is listened to in the same way when the produce at the international level. La politica è piena di queste sorprese. Politics is full of these surprises. Per dimostrare le bugie e le nefandezze degli altri bisogna però fare ammenda delle proprie. To demonstrate the lies and nefandezze others should not make its fine. Non si può neppure pensare che i crimini degli altri giustifichino i propri. Nor should one think that the crimes of others justify their own. Chi vuole accusare deve prima liberarsi dei propri pesi morali e materiali. Who wants to acknowledge must first rid itself of its moral and material weights. Kouchner si era distinto per il suo impegno umanitario. Kouchner was distinguished for his humanitarian efforts. A chi vedeva nel dramma del Kosovo soltanto la dimensione umanitaria della popolazione albanese e non vedeva le strumentalizzazioni e l’uso deliberato della “bomba umanitaria”, Kouchner sembrava il più adatto ad intervenire. Who saw in the tragedy of Kosovo only the humanitarian dimension of the Albanian population and did not see the deliberate exploitation and use of the "humanitarian bomb", Kouchner seemed the most appropriate to intervene. In effetti i suoi provvedimenti di emergenza in Kosovo sono stati adeguati ed efficaci. Indeed its emergency measures in Kosovo were correct and effective.
Purtroppo, come quasi tutti i suoi successori e molti comandanti di Kfor, non è riuscito ad acquistare una visione equilibrata e oggettiva dei problemi. Unfortunately, as almost all his successors, and many commanders of KFOR, was unable to purchase a balanced and objective view of the problems. Proprio nel suo periodo sono avvenuti i più efferati episodi di contropulizia etnica e la sua amministrazione ha aiutato l’assunzione del potere da parte di capi UCK che oggi sono definiti da un k-albanese molto noto, come Pacolli, come “poco presentabili”. Precisely in its period occurred the most efferati episodes contropulizia ethnic and his administration has helped the assumption of power by the KLA leaders who today are defined by a k-Albanian well-known as Pacolli, as "little presentable." L’attività di Kouchner come Ministro degli esteri è influenzata dall’appartenenza ad un governo di destra ed è ancora molto segnata dai vecchi pregiudizi formati in maniera molto comprensibile negli anni d’impegno umanitario. The activities Kouchner as foreign minister is influenced from belonging to a right-wing government and is still marked by old prejudices formed in a very understandable in the years of humanitarian commitment. Lo dimostra nei Balcani, ma anche nell’interventismo militare in Iran, in Africa e in Asia. This is demonstrated in the Balkans, but also nell'interventismo military in Iran, Africa and Asia. Quando dal campo sanitario e umanitario è passato a quello politico forse ci abbiamo rimesso tutti. When the health and humanitarian switched to the political might have challenged us all. Lui compreso. He understood.
A distanza di anni, vogliamo ricordare la famosa strage di Racack del 1999, durante la quale persero la vita circa 45 kosovari, preceduta nei giorni precedenti dallo scontro tra l'UCK e l'esercito serbo. After years, we should remember the famous massacre of Racack of 1999, during which nearly lost their lives 45 Kosovars, preceded a few days earlier by the clash between the KLA and Serbian army. Allora, il Capo della Missione OSCE in Kosovo, William Walker, richiamò l'attenzione dei giornalisti affinchè documentassero il "genocidio" compiuto dall'esercito serbo. Then, the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, William Walker, called the attention of journalists documentassero for the "genocide" carried out by Serbian. Eppure, un agente dei servizi segreti francesi, Henri Brunel, affermò che in quell'occasione i corpi furono portati lì intenzionalmente, per "inscenare" una strage che non era avvenuta. However, an agent for the French secret service, Henri Brunel, said that at that time the bodies were brought there intentionally, "inscenare" a massacre that had not occurred. Cosa pensa lei di quest'episodio, dopo anni di esperienza nei Balcani? What think you of this, after years of experience in the Balkans?
Quando nel 2000 ho assunto la carica di Capo di Stato Maggiore del Comando della Nato del Sud Europa che aveva la responsabilità di tutte le operazioni nei Balcani ho voluto studiare e approfondire le tappe fondamentali che avevano portato alla guerra della Nato alla Serbia. When in 2000 I assumed the position of Chief of Staff Command of the NATO South Europe, which had responsibility for all operations in the Balkans, I wanted to study and deepen the milestones that led to war NATO to Serbia. Racack è stato l’episodio che ha fatto fallire i colloqui di Rambouillet e quindi ha avuto il primo posto nella mia attenzione. Racack was that the episode did fail the talks in Rambouillet and then took the first place in my attention. Quasi tutte le versioni ufficiali erano da un lato reticenti e dall’altro ideologicamente deviate. Almost all the official versions were reticent on the one hand and the other ideologically diverted. Ho poi avuto modo di verificare sul terreno molte delle incongruenze che comunque alcune fonti internazionali avevano denunciato. Then I was able to verify on the ground many of the inconsistencies that some international sources had reported. Mi sono convinto che il massacro era stato inscenato, ma questo non mi meraviglia. I am convinced that the massacre was staged, but that does not surprise me. In guerra anche i morti combattono. In the war dead fighting. Non mi meraviglia neppure che l’ambasciatore Walker e il suo vice abbiano avallato immediatamente l’ipotesi dell’eccidio. I even wonder that Ambassador Walker and his deputy have endorsed the idea dell'eccidio immediately. Bastava vedere il curriculum di Walker e l’identità dei suoi verificatori per stabilire che il loro interesse non era né verificare né prevenire né testimoniare la verità: dovevano soltanto creare le premesse per un esito già scontato. See enough of the curriculum Walker and the identity of its verifiers to establish that their interest was neither verify nor prevent or witness to the truth: had only create the preconditions for an outcome already granted.
Ciò che mi ha meravigliato è stata la reticenza del team di patologi investito del caso dall’Unione Europea. What surprised me was the reluctance of the team of pathologists invested case by the European Union. La dottoressa Helena Ranta, dentista, a capo del team di esperti finlandesi pur non avendo alcun elemento oggettivo ha avallato immediatamente e pubblicamente la tesi dell’eccidio. Dr. Helena Ranta, dentist, head of the team of Finnish experts while having no objective criterion endorsed immediately and publicly dell'eccidio thesis. Non si sa se abbia mai depositato la relazione ufficiale delle autopsie. It is not known whether he has ever filed a formal report of the autopsies. Fatto sta che i risultati ufficiali degli esami vengono pubblicati dai suoi colleghi J. The fact is that the official results of the examinations are published his colleagues J. Rainio, K. Rainio, K. Lalu, A. Lalu, A. Penttila nel 2001 su una rivista di patologia medica canadese (Forensic Science International). Penttila in 2001 on a review of medical pathology Canadian (Forensic Science International). I risultati delle autopsie non forniscono alcuna prova che si sia trattato di un eccidio, anzi il tipo di ferite, le armi usate, i vestiti, le condizioni dei corpi, la mancanza di spari ravvicinati e di mutilazioni intenzionali (alcuni corpi si presentavano senza arti o senza testa per danni causati post mortem da animali selvatici o randagi), tutto conduce alla conclusione che le vittime sono state uccise in un periodo da 10 giorni a un mese prima del ritrovamento, in varie parti del territorio e in diverse condizioni. The results of the autopsies do not provide any evidence that it was a massacre, and indeed the type of injuries, the weapons used, clothing, the condition of the bodies, the lack of shots close and intentional mutilation (some bodies had no limbs or without head for post-mortem damage caused by wild animals or strays), everything leads to the conclusion that the victims were killed over a period from 10 days to a month before the discovery, in various parts of the territory and under different conditions. Questa documentazione passa ovviamente inosservata. This documentation course passes unnoticed. Nel 2002 quando mi reco a Racack gli stessi soldati finlandesi che controllano la zona mi raccontano ancora la storiella dell’eccidio e si dicono fieri che sia stato un team di dottori finlandesi a denunciarlo. In 2002 when I go to the same Racack Finnish soldiers who control the area still tell me the story dell'eccidio proud and say that it was a team of Finnish doctors to denounce it. Potenza della propaganda! Power of propaganda!
Come lei sa, i bombardamenti della Nato nel 1999 si concentrarono nel territorio del Kosovo utilizzando una tipologia di armi evidentemente destinata a colpire infrastrutture e grandi strutture economiche, e non l'esercito o le bande armate. As you know, NATO bombing in 1999 were concentrated in the territory of Kosovo using a type weapons apparently intended to hit infrastructure and large economic structures, and not the army or armed gangs. È stato così definito un "bombardamento umanitario" anche se è stato danneggiato soprattutto il territorio. It has thus been described as a "humanitarian bombing" even if it has been damaged mainly the territory. Perché secondo lei è stato pianificato questo tipo di attacco? Why in your opinion was planned this attack?
L’intento dei bombardamenti non era quello di salvare la popolazione dalle rappresaglie e dalla pulizia etnica che comunque erano state fatte dalle forze serbe e soprattutto dalle bande paramilitari che forse neppure Milosevic era in grado di controllare. The intent of the bombing was not to save the people from reprisals and the ethnic cleansing that had been made by Serb forces and particularly the paramilitary gangs that perhaps even Milosevic was able to control. I bombardamenti erano una punizione. The bombings were punishment. Sia in Kosovo che in Serbia l’idea era quella di operare una distruzione strutturale che fiaccasse la volontà di resistenza serba e che provocasse danni permanenti o per lo meno duraturi all’apparato produttivo. Both Kosovo and Serbia in the idea was to make a structural destruction fiaccasse the will of the Serbian resistance that results in permanent damage or at least to sustainable production. Dal punto di vista prettamente militare una settimana di bombardamenti sui centri di comando e controllo e sulle formazioni meccanizzate e corazzate sarebbe stata più che sufficiente a mettere fuori uso le minacce più serie. From a purely military one week of bombing centers on command and control and mechanised and armoured formations would have been more than enough to put out of use the most serious threats. Ma anche questo non era lo scopo. But this was not the purpose. Si pensava inizialmente ad una occupazione militare del Kosovo e ad un intervento di terra che avrebbe dovuto seguire i bombardamenti aerei, ma la Nato si rese subito conto che un contingente di 60000 uomini come era l’ARRC dislocato in Macedonia non avrebbe assicurato una vittoria indolore di fronte ad una eventuale resistenza serba militare e paramilitare. It was thought initially to a military occupation of Kosovo and an intervention of land that would have followed the bombing, but NATO is now made that a quota of 60000 men as was the ARRC located in Macedonia would not have ensured a smooth victory facing any resistance Serbian military and paramilitary.
Era anche stato ipotizzato l’utilizzo delle formazioni UCK in veste di fanteria della Nato, ma anche questo era visto con molto scetticismo da quanti nella Nato (ed erano molti) non si fidavano affatto dell’UCK. It was also been suggested the use of formations KLA as infantry NATO, but even that was seen with great skepticism by those in NATO (and many were) not fidavano of way. L’unica soluzione rimaneva perciò la distruzione sistematica e ripetuta delle risorse della Serbia. The only solution, therefore, remained the repeated and systematic destruction of the resources of Serbia. In questo quadro i bombardamenti sono durati ben 78 giorni con una spesa di otto miliardi di dollari e le forze serbe non sono state cacciate da nessuno. In this context, the bombing lasted well 78 days at a cost of eight billion dollars and non-Serb forces were driven out by anyone. Hanno accettato di ritirarsi con le proprie armi e, a Kumanovo, la Nato ha riconosciuto ai serbi quello che era stato rifiutato a Rambouillet e che aveva provocato il fallimento dei negoziati: la sovranità della Serbia sul Kosovo. They agreed to retire with their weapons, and Kumanovo, NATO has acknowledged that the Serbs who had been rejected at Rambouillet and that had caused the failure of negotiations: the sovereignty of Serbia on Kosovo. La Nato non è tuttavia riuscita ad evitare che le bande UCK procedessero alla contropulizia etnica nei confronti dei serbi del Kosovo. Nato has not been able to prevent the gangs KLA contropulizia to proceed against ethnic Serbs in Kosovo. E questa è stata la prima vera sconfitta sul piano militare e umanitario. And this was the first real defeat on the military and humanitarian fields.
Lo Stato italiano ha oggi riconosciuto i danni subiti dall'esercito italiano a causa del bombardamento all'uranio impoverito. The Italian state has now recognized the damage suffered by the Italian because of the bombing of depleted uranium. Allo stesso tempo è stata presentata all'ONU un progetto di risoluzione che porti a riconoscere anche i danni subiti dalla popolazione colpita. At the same time it has been submitted to the draft resolution that will lead to even acknowledge the damage suffered by the affected population. Secondo lei, vi sarà mai un reale risarcimento per i civili? According to her, there will never be a real compensation for civilians? E se si, quali implicazioni si avrebbero? And if so, what implications this would have?
Nonostante le varie prese di posizione ufficiali in Italia si stenta ancora a riconoscere la causalità fra uranio impoverito e molte patologie tumorali. Despite the various official position taken in Italy is still struggling to acknowledge the causal link between depleted uranium and many cancer. Per molti casi di possibile correlazione ce ne sono tanti altri che non sono correlabili perché le vittime non sono mai neppure state in teatri operativi. For many cases of possible correlation there are many others who are not linkable because the victims have never even been operating theatres. Io ho più volte espresso il parere che le patologie tumorali subite dai militari debbano comunque avere il riconoscimento di dipendenza da una causa di servizio. I have repeatedly expressed the view that the cancer suffered by the military must still be recognition of dependence because of a service. Non possiamo penalizzare i casi correlabili perché ce ne sono di non correlabili. We can not penalize cases linkable because there are not linkable. Se questo vale per i militari deve a maggior ragione valere per le popolazioni civili che hanno subito gli effetti dell’uranio e comunque di tutti gli interventi armati o le conseguenze sull’ambiente e la salute degli interventi armati. If this is true of the military must assert more reason for the civilian population who have suffered the effects of depleted and all armed actions or the consequences on the environment and the health of armed interventions. Penso che si riuscirà a stabilire questo principio e spero che non si limiti solo al caso dell’uranio impoverito. I think that you can establish this principle, and I hope that is not limited only to the case of depleted uranium. Ci sono decine di patologie e di danni genetici che si provocano anche per l’inquinamento ambientale indotto dalle distruzioni di fabbriche, raffinerie e depositi chimici. There are dozens of diseases and genetic damage that you cause for the environmental pollution caused by the destruction of factories, refineries and chemical deposits. Ci sono intere generazioni perdute per molti motivi. There are entire generations lost for many reasons. Ciò che invece vedo molto più difficile è che ci sia qualcuno che se ne assuma la responsabilità e che paghi. What we see much more difficult is that there is someone who takes responsibility and pay.
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